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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Film and Info Night on the G8 2001 Trials on Wednesday

Film and Info Night on the G8 2001 Trials at Seomra Spraoi


Genoa, July 2001. Hundreds of thousands gather to protest against the G8 Summit. More than six years later, 25 demostrators are still on trial for the events of those days: charged with destruction and looting, they risk 8 to 15 years imprisonment. Another 13 protesters are in the dock in the south of Italy, with the accuse of having attempted to "subvert the world economic order" at the time of the 2001 G8. In the meantime, the Italian State is judging itself for the tortures in the Bolzaneto barracks and the unjustifed assault on 93 people at the Diaz school -- while in Strasbourg the European Court for Human Rights has admitted the case of the Giuliani family against the Italian State in relation to the murder of Carlo Giuliani...

wed. 17th october from 8 pm
seomra spraoi presents

genoa is not over

film + info night
on the 2001 G8 Trials

*Comics Expo*
'Our History in the Dock' (2003) & 'It Is Not Over' (2006)
Short graphics novels created by italian illustrator Zerocalcare
for the Supporto Legale network. Brand new English version.

*Snippets from Berlusconi's Mouse Trap*
[Ireland, 2002]. By Indymedia Ireland/Eamon Crudden.

*8.30 pm Film Screening*
'OP. Genova 2001. Public Order during the G8'
[Italy, 2007]. 42 min. English version.
Produced by the Secretariat of the Genoa Legal Forum.

OP is a detailed examination of the events of the 20th of July 2001, when marches and rallies around the red zone were heavily attacked by the police. Through maps, recordings of police radio communications and other evidence gathered in the course of the trial against 25 demostrators, the film exposes the way the police forces turned the streets of Genoa into a war zone. Who was the real threat to Public Order at the 2001 G8?

*plus infos and snacks for all*

...memory is a collective mechanism...

to read about the G8 2001 trials: (English section)

OP trailer available at: (Italian only)

Seomra Spraoi
4 Mary's Abbey, Dublin 1

Suggested Donation: Waged/Unwaged 2.50 /2.00

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